The roofed roof deck

A roof deck is supposed to be open so you can enjoy the sky and the wind when you have parties there or when you simply want to be on top of your structure to watch the stars or watch the world below.

However after just a couple of months when your structure is turned over, you suddenly realize you need to have roof over your deck.

Why is that?

Well. usually what happens in open decks is that your concrete surface start to develop cracks – usually micro cracks, but often easily visible cracks – it is in these cracks where water start to seep in and go into your ceilings. Even if you cover it with tiles, over time, water comes through the tile edges since tile grout is usually not a good water proofing agent, and your tile also tend to crack over time since nothing withstands the sun’s rays – everything will crumble under the sun.

So then you now decide to cover your open deck to avoid cracks and water seepage, and to prolong the life of your concrete slab. Well, you see it around, most structures does have some type of deck protection – usually a roof over it.

If you can afford it, you can also shop around for the best waterproofing membrane to use – one that can withstand the power of the sun. What’s best out there is a thick asphalt water proofing membrane usually comes from UK or other European countries, but even asphalt can crack over time, and thus you will still have to replace it over time usually in 12 months – thus you have to be prepared to replace the membrane every 12 months and be prepared to shell out a high budget for an asphalt membrane every 12 months or so… So then you realize the cheapest strongest material out there that can withstand the power of the sun is the metal sheet – thus you might eventually opt for a regular metal roof over your deck, but still yeah you can have the walls open so you can still enjoy the breeze at night or whenever you feel like being on top of the world on your deck, watching the world below…

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